
Meet Purr!! She is a 3 year old Domestic Short Hair feline pal. She is simply adorable and even has a heart shaped marking on her rump!

Purr is a remarkable cat who has endured a tough journey. After losing her only family and spending 5 months in a shelter, she faced additional health and safety challenges. Despite these trials, Purr has handled everything with grace and now seeks a cozy spot to call her own.

She has rediscovered her trust in humans and will happily melt into your arms. Purr adores snuggling on your lap and is always eager for a chin rub. While she’s not fond of wet food, she enjoys dry food and loves to chat about her day. A heating pad is her favorite spot for lounging, and cat nip is her favorite treat!

Purr prefers to be the sole pet, as she grew up in a single-pet home. She may not be fond of other cats or dogs but will tolerate their presence if given space. She was fostered free ranging in a home with two other cats and a dog without issues. As long as she has her space, she remains calm and content.